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3D Balls in Rainbow Background

Seed Series

This collection is dedicated to the mysteries surrounding life’s beginning. We plant seeds and marvel as to how it becomes a flower or a tree according to its inherent design - but where did that design emerge from? Where does the initial seed or egg come from? The whimsical collection is a lighthearted metaphor for this process; from tiny particles that emerge, connect, and combine to form something new - like our ideas in the creative process.

Sphere on Spiral Stairs
3D Balls in Rainbow Background

To find out how each seed design can inspire and support your creative and daily life interactions, look for the seed description that best fits your current status below:

Each seed cup has a meaning that represents a part of how life moves:

Are you the sperm or the egg (or both?)

floating seeds

Floating seeds:
This group of seeds have emerged and are floating in a seemingly aimless way, yet will naturally find a magnetic pull to other floaters and begin a new life. They could also represent a point in our lives when we are in a bit of limbo, waiting for the next inspiration to identify the next step. On such a day is a good time to use this cup as a reminder that it’s a step along the way.


flowing seeds

Flowing seeds:

Seeds in flow have been pulled into a current that is toward the next step in life that is waiting. Like the sperm heading towards the egg. In life, we often are moving on a hunch or an energetic pull while the outcome or form of the connection isn’t yet apparent or solid, but we know to stay the course. This is a good time to use this cup to have encouragement to trust the flow even though you feel unsure about what’s ahead.​​

conception seeds

Conception seeds:

This stage of motion is when the sperm has reached the egg, and the intelligence of the receiving womb is determining among the many who have touched base, which to invite into the potential for new life. We used to think it’s the fastest, strongest swimmer who plays the role, but science more recently discovered that it’s also a decision made by the egg which sperm it allows in to fertilize itself. This is a fantastic cup to use when you want to make a conscious choice about something in your life rather than get swept into something that feels like a habit.​

formation seeds

Formative seeds:

These seeds are exploring many variations of how to fit together. The embryo has attached to the womb and the process is underway. Many options are available, yet the interactions between the particles, their surroundings, and its intelligent design are forming rapidly. This cup would be great for those days when it’s good to take the time to unpack the many details of what’s ahead so that it moves more seamlessly within what can be managed.

connection seeds

Connection seeds:

Life is all about connection and interdependence. The seeds are dependent upon so many interactions in order to grow, mature and blossom. They all need the sun, food, the right soil, water - the right conditions in order to blossom. They connect with one another in the ground through their roots and share nourishment and information that helps them survive. People are similar. This cup could be supportive as a reminder on days when teamwork and communication and connection are the best ingredients for the day, the relationship, or the project to move forward and flourish.​

harmony seeds

Harmony seeds:

This is the stage where different elements begin to arise together to form a single synchronous whole. It's like when different systems develop in different places in the embryo, but will function harmoniously together in one body. It can be an analogy for a family or work place when different personalities become complimentary and fill in functions with attributes that are not higher or lower necessarily, but all essential and equally appreciated for their roles. It could be good to drink from this cup when that type of reminder serves.​

confluence seeds

Confluence seeds:

This is a time when rivers of influence come together into a single pool then flow into a larger body of water like the sea, or the ocean. It is a converging of energies that form into a larger whole, like when the seeds flow into the roots, the trunk, branches and fruit of the tree. It’s a good cup to have around and use when you’re drawing from different sources to facilitate the continued flow of a creation that wouldn’t work well without a bigger picture.

divergence seeds

Divergence seeds:

These seeds support the recognition that some dance to their own rhythm and drum. It celebrates the uniqueness in all of Nature and in all of us. It acknowledges that part of creativity means some will split from the groupthink and find a new path that evolves into something that works just as well if not better, by thinking  outside the box. Consider using this cup to remind you that some people create more easily in their own unique way.

blessing seeds

Blessing seeds:

These seeds are for the recognition that much of our inspiration comes from on high, as do the seeds of life themselves. Blessing seeds are also for those moments during the day when we acknowledge that we got lucky, or just feel like there was a gift we received that was uplifting in the way that it changed our mood or the outcome of events.

communion seeds

Seeds of Communion:

The Communion seeds represent the seeds becoming integrated with, and in constant communication with the whole - the source of life and of our creativity. The formation of an idea or project is similar to the creation of a child - as all the elements have their respective assigned roles, migrate into place, develop and grow with internal inspiration and external nurturing until it blossoms into fruition - a new birth, and cause for a celebration!

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